St John’s School
Rangeway, Geraldton
Kindergarten to Year 6
12 Tamar Street
Rangeway Geraldton WA 6530
PO Box 7156
Geraldton WA 6531
08 99 200 100
Contact Us
Welcome to St John’s School
At St John’s School, we aim to provide a caring, supportive environment in which students can grow in God’s likeness. The school strives to develop each child spiritually, academically, physically, socially and emotionally to their full potential. We aim to support the development of the students’ self-esteem and respect for others so that they can become positive contributors to the school and wider communities.
St John’s School
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Let the Little Children
Sinite Parvulos
“See – knee – tay Par – voo – low – ss”
Latest from Our School
Latest Newsletter
End of Term and School Holidays
A reminder that Thursday 19 September is the final day of Term Three for the students. Friday 20 September is a Pupil Free Day as the staff participate in their annual Staff Retreat Day.
Interschool Cross Country
Congratulations to all our runners from last Friday’s Interschool Cross Country event. We had three students who placed in the top four of their respective race – Jack R, Stella and Jet
Staffing News
I would like to advise the St John’s School Community that Mr Tim Wood, Groundsman, has resigned from his position at St John’s School. I wish Tim all the best for the future and thank him for his ten years of service to St John’s School.
Important Dates
09 October
Pyjama Free Dress Day (Wheelchair for Kids)
11 October
Beginning of the Term Prayer Assembly Yr 3
Looking for more information, contact us at St John’s School?
12 Tamar Street
Rangeway Geraldton WA 6530
PO Box 7156
Geraldton WA 6531
Contact Us
Phone: (08) 99 200 100
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by Chameleon Logic